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Monday, November 19, 2012

The Doctor Who Workout - "The End of the World" Routine

Just finished watching Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 2, "The End of the World", and took note of the actions and their corresponding exercises. Note that the actions appear in chronological order as seen in the episode and if multiple instances of a action occurred consecutively, I combined all the exercises into one set.

For reference, see the following post for the workout guidelines -

And now, the workout itself:

15 squats
10 leg lifts
10 jumping jacks
15 squats
60 crunches
5 V-ups
20 crunches
30 jumping jacks
10 leg lifts
10 jumping jacks
10 crunches
20 jumping jacks
10 leg lifts
100 crunches
10 leg lifts
20 jumping jacks
20 leg lifts
10 jumping jacks
5 V-ups

For a moment I was going to say this one looked less intense than the one for "Rose". And then I got to the part where I'm going to do 100 crunches. Yeah, the Sonic Screwdriver was used a lot in this episode. Oh well, at least they didn't say "Doctor" a whole lot in this one. All those jumping jacks really took a toll on my last time.

Going to try this one tomorrow morning. I'll let you know whether I survive.

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