It took me a while, but I finally got around to this. Here you'll find a listing of the past episodes of my podcast that are likely no longer available on the website or podcast feed for download. If you're interested in picking up any of these episodes, leave a comment on this entry or e-mail me at
All right, enough preamble. Here's the list for you.
"Episode 2: I Live; 05/27/09" - The first true episode of the podcast. Topics include the books "The War of Art" and "Pride & Prejudice & Zombies", Wii Fit, XBOX 360 Achievements, The first edition of Rock Band DLC I Want To See, and Luminaire Divided.
"Episode 3: Feedback Me, Seymour; 06/04/09" - Listener Feedback, Continued Discussion of XBOX 360 Achievements, Graduations and RiffTrax.
"Episode 4: Better Late Than Never; 06/13/09" - E3 '09 recap, Rock Band DLC, Tony Awards Overview, Randomly Suggested Topics
"Episode 5: The Context Strikes Back; 06/28/09" - The week of my Dad's wedding, Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, Soda History Segment
"Episode 6: Safer Than Firecrackers; 07/04/09" - My Mom's surgery, Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, Under The Footlights, Soda History Segment
"Episode 7: The Lucky Episode; 07/12/09" - Very video game-centric. 1 vs. 100, Ghostbusters, Rock Band and various XBLA games.
"Episode 8: Hope You Like It; 07/27/09" - Rock Band DLC, More about Luminaire Divided, The Who's Tommy at York Little Theatre, Dr. Pepper Soda History
"Episode 9: For Mandi; 08/09/09" - Dedicated to my dog, Mandi. Food-related bits, Rock Band DLC, iRiffs Announcement, College Story & Advice, The Most Disturbing Product I Ever Heard Advertised on Radio
"Episode 10: The Episode That Almost Wasn't; 08/27/09" - Still dealing with a cough, so voice kind of suffers this episode. Advice for College Freshmen, Luminare Divided Album Debut, Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, Conclusion of Soda Discussion
"Bonus Episode: Smart 'The Office' Fan; 09/07/09" - Spoof/tribute/homage episode to the Smart Wrestling Fan Podcast. Review and recap of Season 1 of The Office.
"Episode 11: Happy Podcast to You; 09/22/09" - My 26th birthday, Beatles Rock Band, Movie Sign, Under The Footlights
"Episode 12: We've Got A Dozen; 10/07/09" - Rock Band DLC, A review of Watchmen, An Interactive Segment, and I do a lot of driving
"Episode 13: Trick Or Treat; 10/23/09" - First ever "Skype-terview" segment with special guest, Ashley Teatum
"Episode 14: Kinda Disjointed, But Thanks For Listening; 11/21/09" - Movie Sign, Beneath the Footlights, A Rock Band Segment, and discussion of two enjoyable weekends
"Episode 15: Post-Yuletide Podcast; 12/27/09" - Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, Christmas Discussion, The announcement of an interview coming next episode
"Episode 16: "I AM A PODCAST; 01/10/10" - Movie Sign, Rock Band DLC, An interview with Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall
"Episode 17: "Would You Like To Host My Show, Conan?; 01/24/10" - Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, Beneath the Footlights, Discussion of next month's theme episodes
"Episode 18: Ladies Month Part 1 with Yolanda; 02/06/10" - Interview with Yolanda of GIMICK$ Wrestling Tees. Topics include CHIKARA, other pro wrestling, and how the GIMICK$ line came to be
"Episode 19: Ladies Month Part 2 with Ashley Teatum; 02/14/10" - Interview with the returning Ashley Teatum. Topics discussed include her move to the sports department of the local paper, The Super Bowl and its ads, and the (at the time) upcoming MLB '10 season.
"Episode 20: Ladies Month Part 3 with KP; 02/21/10" - Interview with Kristen "KP" Peterman of Topics discussed include Jersey show, Movies 3D and otherwise, The Office and The Oscars
"Episode 21: Ladies Month Part 4 with TRIPLE Kelly; 02/28/10" - Interview with TRIPLE Kelly of Topics discussed include classic wrestling, current wrestling, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, That Guy With The Glasses, ABC's classic TGIF line-up, Twilight, TV shows on DVD and much more
"Episode 22: DOUBLE DEUCE!!!; 03/28/10" - Short episode after taking a month off
"Episode 23: The Return of the Podcast; 07/04/10" - Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, and a third interview with Ashley Teatum
"Episode 24: The Bryce Is Right; 07/18/10" - Interview with CHIKARA Senior Official, Bryce Remsburg. Topics include CHIKARA, Saturday morning cartoons and Rita's Water Ice
"Episode 25: The Back to School Episode; 08/21/10" - Interview with my younger brother, Michael. We discuss and compare our respective Freshman years in college.
"Episode 26: More Returns Than Terry Funk; 01/17/11" - A return after a 5-month long hiatus. Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, CHIKARA Season Premiere preview, and a discussion of things to come
"Episode 27: I Have The Touch; 04/11/11" - Movie Sign, New video game segment called Achievement Hunting, CHIKARA King of Trios 2011 preview, and an interview with a "big name" in the world of wrestling. (Not really)
"Episode 28: Easter Episode; 04/24/11" - TMBG DLC I Want To See for Rock Band, Achievement Hunting, CHIKARA King of Trios 2011 discussion and an announcement about Quotes Out of Context
"Episode 29: The One Where I Talk About Stuff I Didn't See; 05/02/11" - TMBG Rock Band DLC, Achievement Hunting, The Royal Wedding and Jersey Shore
"Episode 30: The Podcast Is Magic; 05/15/11" - TMBG Rock Band DLC, Movie Sign, The debut of Quotes Out of Context, CHIKARA Anniversario weekend preview, and a possibly controversial fandom declaration from me. Or not. It's about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
"Episode 31: The Theatre Shoot Interview; 05/29/11" - Interview with Denzal Lamar a.k.a. YungDenz. We talk about our experiences in theatre for over 2 and 1/2 hours!
"Episode 32: Reunited And It Feels So Good; 06/19/11" - TMBG Rock Band DLC, CHIKARA Anniversario recap and Mid-West weekend preview, University of Scranton Class of 2006 5 year reunion, and a discussion about Quelf, the most random board game in existance